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    • TRACK06 Oh, Present You
    • EDIT BY 양선용 | 2024. 4. 22| VIEW : 54

    I know what I'm going to do tomorrow.
    And the next day, next year, the year after.
    I'm going to dust off this terrible little town and see the world.

    Then I'll come back here and build a building.
    And I'm going to build an airfield.
    I will build a tall building that is 100 stories tall.
    I'm going to build a mile long bridge.

    What do you want?
    What do you want?
    Do you want the moon?

    I'll throw a noose down the moon.
    Yes, that's a good idea.
    I'll give you the moon.

    If you swallow the moon, it will all melt.
    Then Moonlight...
    Your fingers and toes,
    And it'll shoot out from the end of your hair.

    The frequency of the sock shop. Oh, present you.